Room Category: Average

The Study: Scalpels and Saws

Dr. Mayhew has been working as a professor at the local university teaching neurobiology for a number of years, and along with being considered creepy by most of the students and faculty,...

Citadel Hill

Recently, rumours have been circulating about a major new archaeological discover deep within Citadel Hill, but the staff are sworn to secrecy. Curiosity has gotten the best of you and your friends,...

The Pirates’ Brig

You are the captain and crew on the good ship Saladin, carrying your normal cargo plus a large quantity of silver. While asleep in your cabin, the scoundrels on watch have mutinied, throwing...

Morela’s Dark Fortunes

Morela, the ominous fortune teller of our town, casts a foreboding shadow over the community. Whispers of her uncanny abilities have taken a sinister turn, as locals suspect her involvement in a...